It is a struggle
Balancing our lives
We wanna live long
We wanna be strong
We need that’s sugar
It makes us high
Then we want to hold back
To satisfy
How many children are jalous of our struggles
They too wish to battle our struggles
What to eat and what not
But instead they starve to death
What can we do
Can we help the whole world
I wish I could maybe I would
If only there is nothing else
I can bring some awareness
Fathers are hungry
Sisters are hungry
Brothers are hungry
Mothers are hungry
How can one ignore the hunger
I’ll make some noise and bring awareness
to the world
King David says in Tehillim
Tov Hashem Lakol
Verachamov Al Kol Maasov
Hashem has marcy on all creatures on all people
Red and white black and blue
Everywhere they are
I’m asking you Hashem
How many children are wishing for the
Instead they struggle with their lives
They battle everyday to go by
And they starve to death
Can you help me help them
Can you help me help them
Can you help me help them
Can you help me help them
Fathers are hungry
Sisters are hungry
Brothers are hungry
Mothers are hungry
How can I ignore your hunger
Gimmy some noise and bring
awareness to the world
No more hunger in the world
Balancing our lives
We wanna live long
We wanna be strong
We need that’s sugar
It makes us high
Then we want to hold back
To satisfy
How many children are jalous of our struggles
They too wish to battle our struggles
What to eat and what not
But instead they starve to death
What can we do
Can we help the whole world
I wish I could maybe I would
If only there is nothing else
I can bring some awareness
Fathers are hungry
Sisters are hungry
Brothers are hungry
Mothers are hungry
How can one ignore the hunger
I’ll make some noise and bring awareness
to the world
King David says in Tehillim
Tov Hashem Lakol
Verachamov Al Kol Maasov
Hashem has marcy on all creatures on all people
Red and white black and blue
Everywhere they are
I’m asking you Hashem
How many children are wishing for the
Instead they struggle with their lives
They battle everyday to go by
And they starve to death
Can you help me help them
Can you help me help them
Can you help me help them
Can you help me help them
Fathers are hungry
Sisters are hungry
Brothers are hungry
Mothers are hungry
How can I ignore your hunger
Gimmy some noise and bring
awareness to the world
No more hunger in the world
עוד באתר:
שרים עם המנגנים
סקירה על האלבום הכפול והמרגש של תזמורת "המנגנים" - קומזינג 2. קריאה מהנה!!!
קול נעים מהיער
נתנאל לייפר נהנה מאלבום הניגונים של צמד היוצרים המוכשר נדב בכר ואורן צור "פתחי תשובה".
גם אצל דוד גבאי - "הכל לטובה"..
מבקר המוזיקה איתי סיטבון בטור נוסף והפעם על אלבומו האחרון של דוד גבאי - "הכל לטובה".
הקלאסיקה האישית של יוסי טורצקי
איתי סיטבון בכתבה חדשה על אלבום הבכורה המעניין של יוסי טורצקי - נס אלוקי. קריאה מהנה!!