Don't hide from me, though i know that you are truly there everywhere,
Still in all i cannot see you, don't hide from me
It's been so long since last time saw You smile
Don't hide from me, where's the promise you would take my hand understand,
My life is not complete without You don't hide from me
I need to see You more than ever now,
Two thousand years is a million years to long
to search for the light that I have never known
Show me your face, I need Your embrace
won't You please come out of your hiding place,
Take me on your wing teach me how to sing
The on song the world wants to hear, Oh father dea.
Don't hide from me,
it seems You're hiding more and more each day, why I pray, I keep on looking, you keep hiding,
I feel so alone, I'm calling to You Father please come home.
Two thousand years is a million years to long
to search for the light that I have never known
Show me your face, I need Your embrace
won't You please come out of your hiding place,
Take me on your wing teach me how to sing
The on song the world wants to hear, Oh father dear.
Who would believe the walls of darkness finally have come down all around,
But the walls that stand between us don't want to fall,
Tell me the final secret to it all
don't hide from me, is my one and only plea,
father can't you see i'm calling desperately
Still in all i cannot see you, don't hide from me
It's been so long since last time saw You smile
Don't hide from me, where's the promise you would take my hand understand,
My life is not complete without You don't hide from me
I need to see You more than ever now,
Two thousand years is a million years to long
to search for the light that I have never known
Show me your face, I need Your embrace
won't You please come out of your hiding place,
Take me on your wing teach me how to sing
The on song the world wants to hear, Oh father dea.
Don't hide from me,
it seems You're hiding more and more each day, why I pray, I keep on looking, you keep hiding,
I feel so alone, I'm calling to You Father please come home.
Two thousand years is a million years to long
to search for the light that I have never known
Show me your face, I need Your embrace
won't You please come out of your hiding place,
Take me on your wing teach me how to sing
The on song the world wants to hear, Oh father dear.
Who would believe the walls of darkness finally have come down all around,
But the walls that stand between us don't want to fall,
Tell me the final secret to it all
don't hide from me, is my one and only plea,
father can't you see i'm calling desperately
עוד באתר:
הפעמון התימני
איתי סיטבון בטור מעניין על אלבום הבכורה של כוכב הזמר המזרחי אליקם בוטה "קול פעמונים".
קריאה מהנה!
ברוך הוא וברוך שמו
נתנאל לייפר בביקורת על אלבומו החדש והחביב שבו מארח הרב ברוך צ'ייט "תהילה לדוד" מגדולי המלחינים במוסיקה החסידית זמרים לשיר את שיריו. אולי פשוט מידי בהתחלה אך זורם ונעים יותר עם כל השמעה נוספת.
לבי במזרח ואנוכי בקצה קצה קצה קצה מערב...
נתנאל לייפר בביקורת על אלבומו המזרחי של יעקב שוואקי "לבי במזרח" מצפה ומחכה שיעקב באמת ישוב למקורות .. לשירה החסידית.
שומע צעקה.
מבקר המוזיקה מאיר טרבלסי שמע והאזין ל־"צעקה" האלבום החדש של מרדכי בן דוד. וחזר עם טור שיתן לכם להבין טוב יותר את ה־"צעקה".