i’m in no rush // i’m in no hurry // sitting with you here what’s to worry. // soon you’ll be you // and we’ll be we // living life like it was meant to be.
on that day // your name will be one // every darkness we’ll have overcome // crying prophets will start having fun // on that day // i won’t be on the run.
8th day. // when the sun won’t set you’ll know that he’s come // when this song won’t end you’ll know that he’s come // when we’re all on a mountain up in
his home reaping all the fruits that we have sown // from la to chicago up in meron from la to chicago we will all be your own. // 8th day. // i’m in no rush
i’m in no hurry // sitting with you here what’s to worry. // soon you’ll be you // and we’ll be we // making sense out of our history.
on that day // your name will be one // every darkness we’ll have overcome // crying prophets will start having fun // on that day // i won’t be on the run.
8th day. // when the sun won’t set you’ll know that he’s come // when this song won’t end you’ll know that he’s come // when we’re all on a mountain up in
his home reaping all the fruits that we have sown // from la to chicago up in meron from la to chicago we will all be your own. // 8th day. // i’m in no rush
i’m in no hurry // sitting with you here what’s to worry. // soon you’ll be you // and we’ll be we // making sense out of our history.
עוד באתר:
מזמורים נוספים- נתנאל לייפר על אלבומו החדש של קובי אוז
נתנאל לייפר בביקורת על אלבומו החדש של קובי אוז "מזמורים נוספים"
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