Stop! don't think about it
Be thankful every day
I once heard the wise man say just
Stop! don't think about it
Cause tommorow is a brand new day
The world is not exactly how I'd like for it to be
But I have a certain feeling Hashem is watching me
I won't let fears and worries steal and joy out of my day
Just think positive and problems melt away
Stop! don't think about it
Be thankful every day
I once heard the wise man say just
Stop! don't think about it
Cause tommorow is a brand new day
I sometime stop and listen to the children when they play
And enjoy the sound of laugher and the funny things they say
At times I worry much to much that all will be alright
Then I heard these words of
wisdom late one night
Stop! don't think about it
Be thankful every day
I once heard the wise man say just
Stop! don't think about it
Cause tommorow is a brand new day
Be thankful every day
I once heard the wise man say just
Stop! don't think about it
Cause tommorow is a brand new day
The world is not exactly how I'd like for it to be
But I have a certain feeling Hashem is watching me
I won't let fears and worries steal and joy out of my day
Just think positive and problems melt away
Stop! don't think about it
Be thankful every day
I once heard the wise man say just
Stop! don't think about it
Cause tommorow is a brand new day
I sometime stop and listen to the children when they play
And enjoy the sound of laugher and the funny things they say
At times I worry much to much that all will be alright
Then I heard these words of
wisdom late one night
Stop! don't think about it
Be thankful every day
I once heard the wise man say just
Stop! don't think about it
Cause tommorow is a brand new day
עוד באתר:
תשע"ב באוזניים שלי
סיכום תשע"ב במוסיקה היהודית מקורית
שומע צעקה.
מבקר המוזיקה מאיר טרבלסי שמע והאזין ל־"צעקה" האלבום החדש של מרדכי בן דוד. וחזר עם טור שיתן לכם להבין טוב יותר את ה־"צעקה".
עבודה בלב, נעים באוזן...
ביקורת מוסיקה על "עבודה שבלב" של הר' משה דוד וייסמאן
חתונה כל השנה..
איתן סיבון על אלבום החתונות של יוני אליאב ותזמורתו - בשמחה תמיד...